Monday, May 12, 2008


Well, Ben is still sick. This is going on day 5 for him. I can't recall him ever being this sick before. Thursday night it started with the vomiting and continued that night and into the next day. Then the diarrhea kicked in. Then the fever. The whole time he has been lying around doing nothing. Totally unlike him. He has been drinking and has had a few nibbles of food here and there. Yesterday morning he perked up and ate some breakfest, but then he was back on the couch complaining of his tummy hurting and the diarrhea started back up. Guess were he is now, yep on the couch asleep. He is a sick little boy, I tell ya! Thankfully no one else has gotten sick(yet)!
Not being able to get out of the house for the last few days, is not good for mama either. I get depressed. I have a tendancy towards depression anyway, but being cooped up is not good for me mentally. By the 5th day I don't want to shower or clean or cook or do much of anything but lay on the couch.
Most importantly though I just want my boy to get better! If he's not better by tomorrow, we may have to make a trip to the doctor, which I have been putting off cause I know I will just get the "It's a virus" and be out $25 for the copay. I'm hoping he will be a new boy tomorrow and we won't have to even worry about it!
If you think about it, just say a prayer for my little guy!

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